Tuesday, February 11

UN Envoy Intensifies Discussions on Second Berlin Conference

Tripoli_ In his drive to prepare for the second ministerial-level Berlin Conference on Libya, the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Libya, and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Ján Kubiš, has made during the last few days intensive contacts with concerned parties with the ongoing Libyan crisis, nationally and internationally.

The objective of these contacts is to mobilize further support for the multi-track UN-facilitated Libyan political process.

According to a statement by UNSMIL, Mr. Kubis held a series of telephone calls with several Libyan interlocutors including Prime Minister Abdelhamid AlDabaiba, and the Commander of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces, General Khalifa Haftar.

During his visit to Moscow from 7- 9 June, the Special Envoy held a series of meetings with senior officials of the Russian Government, notably with Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin and Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov.

Kubis emphasized the imperative of holding the national elections on 24 December 2021 and the expectation that the Libyan House of Representatives will swiftly enact the necessary constitutional and electoral legislative basis.

He also held a meeting with both Bogdanov and the Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister, Sedat Onal, during which the SE briefed them of his and UNSMIL’s efforts in achieving the objectives of the LPDF Roadmap and UNSC Resolutions including the 2570/2021 which focuses on holding the general elections on 24 December and the implementation of the ceasefire agreement.

He also attended a virtual first meeting of “Senior Officials” that started to prepare the outcome document of the Second Berlin Conference on Libya on 8 June, with the participation of Libya. Kubis held talks with German official who are dealing with Libyan affairs,   with Minister Nikos Dendias of Greece, with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Morocco Nasser Bourita, with the United Arab Emirates’ State Minister, Khalifa Shaheen AlMarar and with Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Evarist Bartolo of Malta.

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