Tuesday, February 11

Hatiba Raises Gas Production As Mellitah Activates Well A22    

Al-Hatiba field is moving ahead with increasing gas production (NOC photo)

Sirte—Al-Hatiba filed has increased its natural gas production to by exceeding 100 million cubic feet per day, a considerable achievement by Sirte Oil and Gas Production and Manufacturing Company, the National Oil Corporation (NOC) reported on its web site.

The rise in production came as a result of connecting the well (S-28) to production line, which added about 5 million cubic feet of natural gas to the existing daily production of the field.

NOC stated, “this achievement is the first of its kind in more than ten years, and this increase will contribute to meeting part of the demand by the industrial complex and the factories of the Libyan Fertilizer Company.

Meanwhile. Mellitah Oil & Gas B.V Libyan has successfully completed placing the well A22 on the production line after conducting production tests. The well will increase the company oil production to more than 550 barrels of oil per day, NOC reported.

This increase of production comes within NOC’s strategic plan to increase oil production up to 2 million bpd. The well A22 is located within the group of wells belong to Al-Wafa oil field, the largest in southwest Libya.

Mellitah Oil & Gas B.V Libyan Branch ranks as the biggest oil Company in Libya by producing 600,000 equivalent oil barrel/day (Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Condensed Gas: Propane, Butane and Nafta) in addition to a daily production of 450 tons of Sulphur.

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