Tuesday, October 22

SC Supports Libyan-led, Libyan-owned Political Process

New York_ The Security Council reaffirmed its commitment to Libya’s “sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity”. But as these commitments are easy said than implemented in reality, Libyans will continue to wait and see.

The SC on 16 March adopted a presidential statement welcoming gradual progress on a constitutional framework for elections in Libya. In the statement, it reaffirming its commitment to an inclusive, Libyan-led and Libyan-owned political process.

The 15-nation organ commended the role being played by Egypt in facilitating talks between Libya’s House of Representatives and its High State Council. 

“Welcoming gradual progress towards a constitutional basis for elections, and a recently approved thirteenth amendment to the country’s constitutional declaration, in that regard, the Council underlined the need for new momentum to build on that progress, as well as the need to secure the legal basis and political agreement needed for elections and to complete Libya’s political transition,” the statement said.

The Council also expressed its strong support for the people of Libya to determine who governs them through elections and to ensure that legitimate demand is heard through the country’s political process.

As it has done with regard to former appointed Special Representatives to Libya since 2011, the Counsel reiterated its support for the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Abdoulaye Bathily.

The Council noted that it is encouraged by Bathily’s initiative to launch a UN-facilitated Libyan High-Level Panel for Elections (LHLPE), and urged all stakeholders to engage fully, constructively, transparently and in a spirit of compromise with Mr. Bathily in such process.

The SC called on all parties “to uphold the 23 October 2020 ceasefire agreement and to accelerate its full implementation, while reiterating their deep concern over such issues as the smuggling of migrants and refugees through Libya, human trafficking, and the situation faced by migrants and refugees, including children, in the country.”

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